Daughter receives award for "Most Improved Student" in reading and math
I purchased the program in February of this year for my 9 year old, very distractible, fidgety daughter. Previous to this I had tried many approaches to help increase her concentration, including spending approx $1000 on sessions with a therapist during the summer that I consider a complete rip off. In particular we were never able to get her to read the 20-30 min/day as part of her homework assignment. I encountered quite a few objections from friends and family when I excitedly discussed your program…most were very dubious about how and if this would work.
My daughter received the award for most improved student in reading and math at the end of spring semester. Her reading has gone from 120 to 200 wpm and math is in 95 percentile…need I say more!! Thank you.
J. Maranto – Mother; USA
"Not only does it work, but it STICKS" says mother of 13 year old
I can’t tell you how much the Learning Breakthrough helped our son! I had him perform it daily for a year when he was 9. Now he’s 13, LOVES to read, and reads above his grade level. So not only does it work, but it STICKS. Contact me anytime for more information. I KNOW that this program is beneficial, legitimate, and worth every penny it cost us.
Kate J. – Mother, USA
Son with ADHD and mild autism sees improvements - eliminates medication
My husband ordered the Learning Breakthrough kit for our son about two and a half years ago. He is ten now. I checked it out on the net after I heard about the Dore program which was not practical for us as we live in Nigeria and couldn’t travel for consultations every two months. My son had developmental speech delay with ADHD and some mild features of autism spectrum and also learning difficulties in school.
The first week we spent practising standing on the board and following the bean bag with his eyes. At the end of that week the SEN teacher from school called me to say my son could now remember his letters! I work and after a month could not cope with doing the sessions twice a day as it could be very frustrating for both of us. I am not the most patient of mothers and would end up yelling at my poor son who used to try very hard. He found following the bean bag with his eyes very difficult but he loved the super toss balls and became a champion pendulum hitter. We did them once a day for a year. He came off ritalin after about ten months and started tailing off anticonvulsants about 3 months later. He can read now although about still 1 year below his age level and now meets his SEN targets. He does well in maths and is well behaved in school which is mainstream. His whole life has been changed for the better. In his last report his teacher said he has a good attitude to learning and was a pleasure to have in class and got on well with his classmates. No more fighting, yelling or walking around at the wrong time. His speech and comprehension are improving every day. In fact in June he asked if he could do the program again and we did it for 12 weeks.
So I am so grateful for the program. I just thank Almighty God for the positive difference in our lives and I hope if we can do it for 3 months every year we will see even more improvement. He is still making benefits from it.
Thank you and God bless you for the program.
Mrs. F. A. – Mother, Nigeria
Dr. Hallowell's letter helps parent find LBP - results impress child's tutor
When a friend first forwarded Dr. Hallowell’s letter — I thought it was some kind of snake oil promotion. If it hadn’t been for this particular friend’s level of sophistication — I wouldn’t have read through it and gotten to the realization that this is the same Dr. Hallowell who authored two books sitting on my bookshelf! Further, I recognized the similarity between these exercises and those my daughter did during a limited number of sessions she had with an occupational therapist here in San Antonio. At the time, we were living mostly in NY City — so I was able only to get her to these sessions one summer.
Despite just 4 days — and a rough start on some of the exercises — she nevertheless has been noticing a difference in focus. So did her tutor on only Day 2. He said she was ‘amazing’ — she’d work done in advance (rare) and did concentrated, high level work with him. And that was before I showed him the program online, which he then wrote down the url in order to show it to the principal of his school.
Margo – Mother; San Antonio, TX, USA
Adopted children see focus improvements - and interesting neurotransmitter observations
I wrote you a while back about my two kids on your program. It has been 19 weeks for my son (age 10) and 18 weeks for my daughter (age 7). I have definitely seen improvement in ability to focus, even though they are not “all the way there” yet they keep on improving. I think that there are other areas of improvements overall that are difficult to articulate. My daughter is just learning to read in 1st grade, but she is doing quite well. I like the discipline of the program.
Here is something quite interesting. My kids have been part of an ongoing research study in the psychology department at Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth, TX. They do urine samples periodically to test their neurotransmitter levels. They have found that internationally adopted kids generally have very high levels of excitatory neurotransmitters such as dopamine, PEA and glutamate, and very low levels of inhibitors such as serotonin.
In about 2 years of testing, both of my kids neurotransmitter levels have been out of whack, despite numerous protocols of targeted amino acid therapies. But the first test that we did after beginning learning breakthrough for BOTH kids, the neurotransmitter levels were mostly in acceptable ranges. This is amazing to me, even if not provable scientifically. I have to think that the balancing excercises of Learning Breakthrough have something to do with it. I thought that you would like to know about this.
Janie – Mother; Texas, USA
Grandfather shares many improvments in reading, writing, behavior and more
My wife and I are cautiously optimistic about what we are seeing. For example, on the third day of the 3rd week Casey did a very long homework session (45 minutes) on MCAS testing prep. Reading and writing open ended paragraphs. There were zero complaints and no whining with very neat handwriting. This was perhaps the first time we have experienced such a session. Two days before that she independently asked her teacher for an extra math packet to work on over the weekend. We have never seen that before. Her daily demeanor has improved. There is less contentiousness and more calm. Not perfect by a long shot, but the balance between the two has improved. She does daily out loud reading to us for 15 minutes. Now she does this better and with no arguments or fights. But the most incredible event of all was when 30 or so minutes after we had a big fight and argument over her behavior she came to me, put her head on my shoulder and said “I am sorry for the way I behaved.” That had NEVER, EVER happened before. I have not told any of her teachers about the program but I did send an email yesterday to one of them asking how she is doing.
If this progress keeps coming I think we will have worked a miracle. I will keep you posted.
Frank Yans – Grandfather; USA
Psychologist's son (8) sees improvements in motor skills, athletics, reading, comprehension and grades
My son was 8 years old when he started Learning Breakthrough Program. His fine and gross motor skills were very weak. He had problem with reading and listening comprehension. He could not bounce the ball or ride a bike. His handwriting was a disaster despite of having occupational therapy twice a week for 3 years already. In May he started this fantastic program. He looked forward to do different activity every day. Even though he had to do it twice a day, he thought it was fun. In September a new school year started. My son’s handwriting was perfect. His teacher said that she couldn’t believe that he has such a beautiful handwriting. And of course she asked me what did we do during the summer. I told her about Learning Breakthrough Program.
Very soon another surprise came. My son asked daddy to teach him to ride a bike without training wheels. We were so happy that he felt confident to try to learn. He had a beautiful new bike sitting in our house for 2 years. Whenever we wanted to teach him, he would say, “No, no, I don’t want I can’t do it.” They went outside, my son sat on a bike and just started riding without any assistance. My husband couldn’t believe his eyes. At the end of the school, his occupational therapist told me that he doesn’t need occupational therapist anymore. I talked to her about Learning Breakthrough Program all the time and she saw big improvement in my son, so she ordered it. Since that her students are improving their skills thanks to this great program. Also my sons reading comprehension has greatly improved. All his grades went up. He is 13 years old now and he still does this program before important tests. I recommend this program from the bottom of my heart.
S.D. – Psychologist, Pedagogue, and Preschool teacher; Queens, NY
Mother describes tremendous growth in school, homework and confidence
Bryce can stay on task longer, has an easier time getting started and is doing homework without asking for help. He’s just doing so much more on his own. In school he is more engaged with other students and staff. He has more self confidence. Tremendous growth…I can’t thank you enough!
Jamie L. – Mother; Hartford, CT, USA
Parent amazed by seven year old's accademic and handwriting improvements after seven weeks
Well it has been 7 weeks now since she started. The improvements to me may seem like nothing to some people but are quite frankly amazing to me. With this program there are various exercises that have to be completed twice a day for about 10-15 minutes each time. So I have been doing them in the morning before school and when she returns from school after about a half hour downtime. The noticeable improvements are:
- She is seven years old and receives new words to spell each week. Previously, she was only receivng three words each week and she was struggling with those. However, after two weeks on the program the teacher increased it to four words and she got them all right. The following week they were increased to five words and she got them all right. She is now on six words a week and copoing. The rest of the class gets 10 words a week two.
- The class were also receiving their multiplication tables to learn. My daughter wasn’t because it was just way too much for her. But before the Easter holidays she received the 2 and 10 tables. They have been learnt! She is now learning the 3 and 5 tables! It’s difficult but she is determined and practices everyday with me for five minutes straight after her exercises.
- Her handwriting has improved significantly. Before, it was large with no spaces in between the words. Now it is much smaller and neater. She doesn’t slant of the page so much i.e that it is much more straighter. She is still joining all the words but the spaces pop up occasionally. But because we are taking more joy in reading her work this seems to have encouraged her and now she will sit down and write letters and little statements al the time now.
- Her teacher approached me at the end of term and said that she has noticed that she is working more independently now, not so much one to one.
- We had a meeting with the head teacher and the key stage 1 teacher. They are encouraged with her progress and will be monitoring. We just have to involve them as much as possible.
- Finally, her speech is much more improved. She suddenly comes up with a new word that I wouldn’t expect her to know from time to time. Her speech is more fluent and I can now talk to her more appropriately for her age.
So it’s all small improvements but the overall picture is very positive and I am very encouraged.
SCartwright – forum poster, East Sussex, United Kingdom (www.beingdyslexic.co.uk/forums/)
Mother of child with dyspraxia modifies LBP - sees small steps as amazing feat
We wanted to thank you again for sending us the Learning Breakthrough product, it is brilliant! Due to Jordan’s poor under-developed vestibular and his dyspraxia (motor planning) we have had to break this down quite considerably. So we once a day get Jordan to learn how to throw the bean bag up and try to catch it, for a child with dyspraxia this in itself is an amazing feat. We then have Jordan stand on top of the platform over top of his blue excerise mats which makes it wobble even less but one step at a time. So I anticipate it will be a while before we can give you further updates but plan to do so as we go through this journey.
Lori – Alberta, Canada
Child with dyslexia and 'typical' brother improve reading and confidence
Antonia was diagnosed with dyslexia in the October 2006 at the age of 6 1/2, although she coped well at school, there was a large gap between her intellect and reading ability. As parents you only want what is best for your child and we started to look at ways we could help her at home. We spoke to a representative from Dore and although it was expensive we decided you couldn’t put a price on your child’s future. Then, after surfing the net, I came across Learning Breakthrough and made a call. I had a long chat with them and said they thought the programme would greatly benefit Antonia, and it was much more affordable for us. We started the programme on January 14 2007, and have seen a fantastic improvement in Antonia, she was predicted 1A or B in her Y2 sats, but achieved 2A in everything, she has gone up 7 reading levels and her confidence is flying.
The added benefit of this programme is that you are not just limited to having one person use it. So as not to make Antonia feel isolated or different, we decided that our son Jake, who is 9, would also do the programme at the same time. At parents evening recently, his teacher asked what had we done to Jake as he was so much more focussed, Jake doesn’t need the programme for any particular learning difficulties but he has always avoided ball games as he doesn’t have particular great co-ordination, this has all changed, he can be seen playing ball games with his peers which has greatly increased his self belief. All this after just 7 months. I can do nothing other than sing the praises of the programme and the great people who invented it, you have to be committed as there are some days when you and the children just don’t want to do the exercises but the results speak for themselves!! I am considering doing the programme myself when the children have finished.
Sandie – Mother; Hertfordshire, United Knigdom
Modifying LBP for child's level - mother sees improvements
INITIAL QUESTION: We have received our kit and we have realized our son can not do some things like toss a bean bag and catch it with one hand. His tracking is extremely poor. However, I have good enthusiastic PT/OT and others helping me adapt to get him at his starting point and building up to the Belgau skills.
>>>FOLLOW UP RESULTS: The child steps off the board toward the pendulum ball. He did better yesterday. However, after many attempts at standing (15), I had him sit on the board. With the pendulum ball, his fingers were remaining curled as he tried to catch. He is presenting his palm and his fingers are starting to uncurl. I start him standing and then if he needs to focus on an eye-hand skill I have him sit on the board and them try standing again if he is not too tired. I imagine he is getting some vestibular benefit sitting on the board.
I have noticed two improvments. He retrieved information from his own brain more quickly while working on auditory processing in speech this week. He also knocked over a tall necked, glass bottle while dragging an object in his right hand. He caught the neck of the glass bottle with his left in time! I have never seen him react like that with appropriate speed before!
Note, this child never rests during the day. Never lays down. Yesterday, after working with the board and pendulum, he took a comfortable cushion and laid down to rest in a cosy corner of the room and watch other people do the activities.
Soozi – Mother; USA
Five year old child with speech and cognitive processing difficulties has dramatic improvements
I’ve been using your program with my 5 year old son for about 5 months now. He has speech delay and cognitive processing difficulties. I suspect he has sensory integration problems. We did Tomatis with him previously and he responded really well. He has also done very well with your program. His balance has improved dramatically in the first few weeks, his eye tracking skills have also improved dramatically. He couldn’t follow the beanbag with his eyes but now he has no problem. I do find that certain exercises seem to stimulate him and it’s like his brain cuts out. I sometimes mix the exercises up, still doing all the exercises for that day but maybe in a different sequence.
Something interesting that I have experimented with is noise. My son gets easily distracted by noise that can send him hyperactive. I started making loud noised and movements, bashing pots etc. to try and distract him while he does the exercises. I found that after about 2 days the noises stop distracting him and he can focus on the exercises. I thought you might find it interesting.
Elizma – Mother; Australia
Mother of child with verbal dyspraxia says "LBP made a difference in her life"
We began Learning Breakthrough for my daughter who was nine at the time and had been diagnosed with verbal dyspraxia. She was uncoordinated, had trouble with reading and writing and has been under the care of a speech therapist since she was three. We completed 12 months of the program. During the program we noticed changes in her balance, peripheral vision and being able to do two actions at the one time. All of these kept improving although there were also weeks when nothing seemed to change then she’d take off again. Our greatest achievement apart from academically, was that she learnt to ride a bike which previously was impossible no matter how much we tried. She could now do what the “big kids” could do! Learning Breakthrough definitely made a difference in her life, thank you.
C.W. – Mother; USA
Mother of 10 year old says LBP is a godsend and could not be happier with results
My son is ten years old. He has been doing the Learning Breakthrough program since January 1st, 2006. Before then I would have to pester him to do his daily 20 minutes of reading — with him asking me every two minutes: “mom, is 20 minutes over yet?” Then in March, for the first time in his life, I saw him reading on his own. I held my breath and said a silent prayer that it wasn’t some sort of a fluke. It was no fluke!!!
He reads all the time now, and loves to read ME to sleep. I haven’t set that timer in months. His 3rd grade reading scores (which the school district likes to see improve 16 points a year) shot up 47 points!!! And I can bear witness to the fact that none of his improvement began until he started the Learning Breakthrough program. For us, your program has been a godsend. Now, if you could just come up with a program that will help children keep their rooms clean…
K. Johnson – Mother; St. Charles, IL, USA
Child sees improvments in focus, balance, and reading
“I had trouble focusing and now I focus all day. It has helped with my surfing and my balance for skate boarding. It helped with my eye tracking with my reading and I am not losing my place. I like doing it because it is fun and it helps a lot.”
Parker (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
Child with ADD shares her improvments
“I have ADD and it’s a really big challenge for me to focus on something. I feel like I am getting my work done now much faster than I use to and my reading comes easier and is not as hard. I use to be stuck on a word for awhile and now I read faster. I am not stressing over academics anymore trying to figure out what to do because the other kids are smarter than me. Now I am at a regular level in school and I don’t need to try to impress anyone.”
Abby (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
Parent Note - "incredible"
Two days of board doubled my child’s reading – Boy, 8 years… (10 minutes time – 2 pages to 4 pages) Incredible.
Parent Note, Australia
Reading Speciaist's says "I was lucky to find the program" for her child with severe language delay
“When my son was 4 years old he was diagnosed with severe language delay. They said he would never go to a regular classroom. He did, not only did he do that but he made straight A’s and was in the 99 percentile in reading strategies this past year. After spending thousands of dollars in very good speech program, we were looking for something and stumbled on the Learning Breakthrough Program. I could not believe it the first night my son came home and he read. As a parent who was supposed to know what to do because that’s my business, I didn’t know and I was very lucky to find the program”
Rebecca Callaway, Reading Specialist (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
Mother shares "if he does LBP before homework he is brighter"
“It was a very frustrating event every day he just couldn’t get the data he would just have a blank face. I noticed if he did Learning Breakthrough before his homework he was brighter could grasp material better. What I noticed was the lessening of him needing me to be involved in homework. I also noticed he retained the gains.”
Denise McDonnell, Parent (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
Grandmother is "satified customer" - shares that child with dyslexia said "it helps her brain work better"
I wanted to write to say thank you and tell you how happy I was with the answers I received to my questions when I call in to your office. A nice young man took the time with me to help me understand how the program works and how it can help my granddaughter. I ordered the kit for her and I got it within a few short days. I did not catch the gentleman’s name but I just wanted you to know you have a satisfied customer. My granddaughter who has dyslexia is doing the program twice a day and goes out of her way to do it before she starts her homework; she says she can feel it helps her brain work better. Thank you for your help and courtesy when we talked.
Mrs. Agnes R.-Grandmother; Farmington, Michigan
Father appreciates LBP's customer service
Thanks kindly. We already mention Learning Breakthrough when folks talk about Dore, and this type of prompt customer service will only help to solidify our sentiments!
Tom – Father; NSW, Australia
Mom thanks LBP for customer service and shares school reports
INITIAL COMMENT: Just to say thank you for turning my order around so quickly. I think it was last Friday that I spoke to you and placed the order for the Learning Breakthrough program kit. It arrived today – Thursday afternoon – under a week. I am now going to sit down and read the book before putting it all together, and then, hopefully my daughter and I can get started on Saturday. Thank you!
>>>FOLLOW UP COMMENT: My daughter and my son have been doing the programme twice a day for over 2 months now, its become part of our daily routine, I can see a big improvement in their ability to do the exercises, over this period and getting good reports from school.
Carol – Mother; Renfrewshire, United Kingdom
Using LBP to teach math to son who shows attention improvements
Oskar’s school teacher said his ability to concentrate has improved, and we at home have seen him able to switch on his attention more voluntarily, and use it with his maths. We have used maths cards for rhythm and allowed him to create what catching moves he likes with the bags whilst rope learning his addition and subtraction. He seems to like it.
Kendra – Mother; Australia
Mother of two children says "thank you"
I want to thank you for your wonderful program. A year after my two children started, you would not recognize either of them. I wish this was available to me when I was in school.
M.M. – Mother; Tempe, AZ, USA
Father of son on autism spectrum wants to spread the word
I would like to discuss ideas for a training/seminar workshops that are designed to provide support for your Learning Breakthrough program. I have a son on the Autism Spectrum which prompted my search for meaningful methods/options to help him and my subsequent discovery of your program. I’m finding that I have some passion around not only documenting the results in my own house but expanding that information into training workshops/seminars that others could benefit from.
Barry – Father; Colorado, USA
Mother of teenager with Aspergers and ADHD reports: "I can finally see a future for my son."
We brought this programme in June 08 and started using it in August 08. Phillip my son has ADHD and ASperger’s, was in main stream school but couldnt manage without medication. He has been on ritalin since age 6 – he is 16 now. On days he forgot his ritalin at school he was terrible. He did the programme twice a day for a full year. During that time we had to ask for another CD as it kept jumping and another time I had to ask for advice as he zoned off during the excercises. Just to report we carried on and stopped it in August prior to him starting school again. Result. – he is off the medication totally, he is managing in school without any and stays behind to do homework. He is also starting to make friends for the first time and has started to mix – already been invited to a party. He still has some symptoms but i reckon they are reduced by about 65% – this is fabulous. I’m so pleased we stayed with it – I cannot thank you enough. I can finally see a future for my son 🙂
Laura Taylor; England
Teenager makes great progess in a single year
I’d like to share our delight with the changes our seventeen year old daughter, Alex, has had over the last year of doing LB. It wasn’t always easy to remember to do the activities and at times we got impatient with the slowness of the progress but we stuck with it and the results were well worth the effort we put into it. The first changes we noticed were in her attitude, she was just generally happy. Then she started seeking out peers to socialize. Then her teacher thought I had done her homework and called me about it. Imagine how thrilled we were to tell the teacher all about the program. I was so excited that I just had to write to you to share the news.
Elaine Rose – Mother; West Bloomfield, Michigan
College student sees improvements in physical appearance, attitude and learning
Just to let you know I purchased the program kit for the benefit of my granddaughter Leonie who is in college and has never had any assistance with her Dyslexia however she came to live with my wife and I and I researched and managed to find the Learning Breakthrough Program. We are just on to the 7 to 12 week stage of the program and the benefits so far have been really evident. My granddaughter’s physical appearance has changed for the good, her attitude and learning curve have got better by far and her education has benefited. I’m sure her whole attitude to life in general is improving and I’m sure for the better thanks to The Learning Breakthrough Program. Thank you.
Herbert L. – Grandfather; United Kingdom
Teenaged daughter's "social path" changes as result of school work improvements
The Learning Breakthrough saved my daughter’s life…I think. The path (socially) she was on as she entered high school was terrifying for me. Her ability to get back into the mainstream of school work affected all her other interactions in my opinion.
H.S. – Mother; Altamonte Springs, FL, USA
College age young adults use LBP before trying medication...and never end up needing anything else
We’re enjoying the Learning Breakthrough program with success. I have 2 grown kids, a daughter 23 and a son 21. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD – inattentive type about 18 months ago and I didn’t want tot go the Ritalin route. I will be sharing [the LBP] with the Learning Disabilities Association here in Victoria.
Diana – Mother and User; Victoria, BC, Canada
Son's grades go from C's to A's overcomming ADHD and LD
We were really skeptical at first when we considered purchasing your Learning Breakthrough program. We had looked into other programs and they were all so costly that we thought how can this program work as well as the expensive ones. From the first time we dropped in the DVD and jumped on the board we knew this program we could easily follow. Finding time to do the activities was not always easy but we did the best we could and we have seen great results in my son with ADHD and LD’s grades. He has gone from almost all C’s to almost all A’s! This is within a single school year. Plus he made the soccer team in Jr. High, which is very hard to do. He likes the fact that he has also gotten better at playing video games so that gives him more self esteem with having the boys over to hang out. I am very glad we decided to take a chance with Learning Breakthrough. We are not skeptics any longer.
Julie M. – Mother; Amherst MA, USA
14 year old meets writing goals and beyond; teachers impressed
Thank You for coming to our parent group, otherwise I would not have known about Learning Breakthrough. Last May, my 14 year old son’s year long IEP writing goal was to write one paragraph. He started The Breakthrough program in June and by October he was writing a full 5 paragraph essays independently. His teachers are impressed. They can’t believe the difference in willingness to work and social interactions. Learning Breakthrough gave my son a life!
Mary R. – Mother; Palm Harbor, FL
Parent of two children with ADD says they "like doing it a lot" and she likes school results
I have recently purchased the program from you for both of my children (9 and 13 – both with attention difficulties resulting in poor school performance). They are sticking to it well, but they like doing it a lot – is that a problem? They like doing it a lot more than ever expected. I like the school results!
Jess – Mother; Australia
Son (14) with dyslexia improves in academics
I think it would be interesting to put excerpts from the LBT manual describing what goes on in the brain during certain exercises. I found that fascinating! Maybe have a utube video clip. Also of interest, would be to tell the personal story of how Dr. Belgau helped his son overcome his LD and what it was. The final point of interest would be to tell others how LBT was the basis of the other more expensive programs. I love the LBT program. My son has dyslexia and it has helped him academically progress. Brain Gym was very BORING and babyish for an older child (he’s 14).
Georgiana N. – Mother; Estill, SC, USA
Son with ADHD eliminates three medications
I laughed right out loud when I heard a simple program like this could help get my ADHD son off of meds. I did not even make that a consideration because I just knew not to get my hopes up because it would not happen. Boy was I wrong. My son was on 3 different medications (for sleep, attention and mood elevator) when we began the Learning Breakthrough Program. After a year and ½ I am proud to say he’s off all medications but he does still take vitamins and fish oils. One of the medications was a $50 a month insurance co-pay and the other 2 were $20 each , it only took a few months for the kit to pay for itself. I am so happy and I have less guilt about having to have my son on meds. He made terrific gains in his balance and he now does his homework without needing me to sit with him. School work has gotten so much easier for him too.
B. C -Mother; Framingham, MA
Teenage girl moves off of IEP and can drive a car
God Bless Dr. Frank Belgau- please tell him I appreciate from the bottom of my heart the years he put into inventing the Learning Breakthrough Program and his balance board and exercises. I bought an extra board so my daughter and I could do the exercises together. We finished the program about 2 years ago and my daughter is no longer on an IEP. I never thought she would have the ability or attention span to drive a car and from doing Learning Breakthrough she just passed her test the first go round. Once in awhile if she is going through a really rough period in school she pulls out the board from under the bed and hangs the ball back up to give herself a refresher. My daughter is a much happier kid now and talks about remember when I had problems in school.
M. V. Mother; Tampa, FL
Student describes improvements in scores and self-esteem
My name is AS. I would like to thank you for the Learning Breakthrough Program because it has helped me a lot. I have improved my handwriting and my spelling scores. I use the Belgau Balance Board in the classroom, in PE and sometimes I take it home. I’m very smart, but the board has made it easier to get my ideas on paper. I want to be a Herbalist when I grow up. Without the board in my life, I might not even be able to pass 6th grade. It has changed my life. I used to feel bored and now work is more fun to do. I used to have bad feelings about myself. Now I think I’m great! So do a lot of other people. It feels good to be able to do my work.
AS – Student; Boardmaster Captain
Husband says wife's life has changed in amazing ways and LBP has changed their life together
It seems too good to be true. My wife’s life has changed in an amazing way. Her attention deficit and reading problems held her back her entire life. Now they seem to have melted away like an ice cube on a hot Brisbane day. It is hard to say how this has changed our life together. Incredible really. We will wait to see if the progress continues and then, I am going to give it a go.
Nathan – Husband; Queensland, Australia
Work is easier and attitude improved for adult who appreciates honesty in LBP
I’ve read your site and it’s very informative and I like the honest disclaimer too! I purchased the program to help with my attention problems that date back to my school years. But the other things that improved made work easier to handle and all my attitude improve after a go of the first 10 weeks. Cheers.
Selena – Adult Client; Australia
Adult user appreciates improvements and LBP's affordability
The programme seems to be working wonders for me because my concentration seems to be greatly improved and walking so much easier and stronger. Although I can’t comment on Dore for kids, I think your method for an adult like me, who knows where they are going as it were, is so much better because the cost is SO MUCH LOWER. Even If I had wanted Dore I would never have got it past ‘Her Indoors’ as we say in Britain because the cost would have been a large slice of our annual income. Now that I have worked with your programme, my life is not the same and my finances are still in tow.
G. T. – Adult User; United Kingdom
Adult client overcomes years of ADHD challenges
I finally got it after watching for more than a month. It is amazing to me and now seems so logical. It helped me master ADHD challenges that I have had for many years.
J.T. – Adult User; Dallas, TX, USA
48 year old finds several improvements for herself and daugher; likes affordability
My daughter and I began using the Learning Breakthrough Program in August 2006. I am 48 and have noticed improvements in co-ordination, problem solving and clearer thinking processes.
The latest obvious improvement with my daughter is that a teacher at school accused my daughter of getting me to complete her assignment. The accusation came because her work was of a higher standard than the teacher was used to. I didn’t even know she had done the assignment and took the teacher’s comment as a positive sign of improvement. We try to be as consistent with the program as possible and have to make a real effort to get up early to do the exercises and obviously get my daughter up early too. This discipline has been very good for her and I have noticed positive changes in her behaviour.
Researching the Dore program which I saw on TV was the reason I became aware of the Learning Breakthrough Program. The Dore program was offered to me at a cost of $4,700 AUD which was totally out of my price range and I was considering getting a bank loan so we could try it as a last ditch effort to help my daughter. Fortunately I did some research on the Internet and came across the LBP. I intend to email the TV program.
I feel that people should know that there is an affordable alternative.
J. Alamdar – Mother and User; Bunbury, WA, Australia
Life long ADD sufferer find success for herself and her mother with vertigo also
The order I placed was for myself due to a lifelong struggle with ADD. However, my mother suffers from severe but intermittent Vertigo. She has had the standard treatments which were mostly ineffective. The only thing that worked for her was my suggestion she try a Scopolamine patch. None of her physicans or therapists suggested this treatment but did prescribe the patch when she requested it. She has been instructed by a neurologist that she wear the patch only when she experiences severe bouts of vertigo. With your program I am seeing that building up the vestibular-cerebellar functionality is impacting her symptoms and reducing reoccurance of these episodes. I am very encouraged!
I also have a patient who has been receiving physical therapy twice a week for quite some time for her balance. She has had 4 falls in the last 3 months and so is becoming depressed because she does feel she is making any progress.
The LBP is also the perfect tool to restore her confidence and facilate many other positive changes. I am so glad to finally see positve, concrete results from your product. I am sure that there will be other patients I serve who may significantly benefit from this amazing system.
It is refreshing to receive a balanced and knowledgable response and I look forward to future exchanges. I’m only having her do this for 15 minutes once daily. It’s going to be challenging enough to make that happen — and I know she would balk at doing it twice a day. Although Marcy clowned around during the Day 1 exercises, she then noticed an immediate improvements in her ability to focus. So — at the moment she’s not resisting. I predict that time will eventually come — but I’m going to do everything possible to keep it going. Even with the relatively little I know, I can relate to how these exercises would impact the brain. This program could be a godsend!
Catherine – RD, CDE, CPT, MNT – Maui Medical; Maui, HI, USA
Adult with ADHD says "I had improvements I never expected"
I am an adult with ADHD and Learning Breakthrough has been a life-saver for me! I Googled ADHD and your link popped up when I wasn’t even looking for an treatment. I always felt I got in my own way, I had no memory, and that I couldn’t do anything right. Now after doing learning Breakthrough for 9 months I feel like someone let the air out of my head. I had changes and improvements that I never expected, it is like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I can now think things through much quicker, I hardly make mistakes, I am on time, I don’t have to make lists anymore because I can remember things. It is like I am awake and alive now. I know I would have done much better in school and in my past jobs if I had known about this program sooner.
Sue M. – Adult user; Winterhaven, FL
Program described as "effective" and "brilliant"
I have been using the DVD for a couple of times and then just using the lists in the book. I have now been using the program for 10 weeks and I am getting on great with it. It is just brilliant. I find it incredibly simple by comparison to the Dore Programme exercises that my son does; they seem to have multiplied the number of exercises 10 fold just to avoid using the pendulum ball and the super balls. The balance board is so much easier to use and much more effective I think. I am now recommending this to everyone I know!
J. Emerson – Mother and User; Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Originally for son with sensory intergration and attention issues; now whole family uses it
I’m extremely gratified that our son is actively and willingly participating, that alone is a huge step in the right direction! Although we purchased the program to address my son’s tactile and oral sensory integration issues and subsequent attention problems, my husband and I have also taken to using it and found the benefits in physical coordination (and helping with posture for a bad back) incredible plus the help it has become with reading and comprehension for the both of us. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful program!
S. Mayer – Mother and User; San Diego, CA, USA
Principal sites academic improvements - students "ask" to do LBP
We have had great success with the LB program. We can mark the date we started using the program with one young man (age 11) by looking at his handwriting workbook. We saw a dramatic improvement immediately and saw steady improvement until the end of the workbook. The good handwriting carried over into his other work including his math. His hand/eye coordination improved, and he was finally able to follow a line of text and read with some fluency.
The biggest advantage to using LB over any other program (besides price) is that the kids enjoy doing the exercises. We also have worksheets and computer programs that claim to do the same thing as LB, but the kids actually ask to do the LB exercises.
Kim Wigington, Ed.S. – Principal at Brookwood Christian Language School in Acworth, Georgia (Designed for students with language-based learning differences.)
Dr. Ned Hallowell, Noted Author and ADHD Expert Introduces LBP to His Clinics
Dear Friends,
I’m excited to introduce you to the Learning Breakthrough Program (LBP), an effective, innovative, inexpensive, movement-based treatment for ADHD and reading problems. I am always looking for new, non-medication treatments for both ADHD and reading problems, and I believe this is one of the best. It is actually not new, in that it has been in use clinically for 30 years. However, some of the science behind it is new. It is based upon the principle of neuroplasticity and stimulating the cerebellum, a region at the back of the brain that has connections to the front parts of the brain, which is where the symptoms involved in ADHD and reading problems originate.
By stimulating the cerebellum through physical activity, such as standing on a balance board, throwing beanbags, tracking a pendulum ball that was tapped with a stick, and a variety of others, you can actually bring about improvement in concentration and reading fluency, by taking advantage of the connections from the cerebellum to the front parts of the brain. The beauty of the Learning Breakthrough Program is that it is affordable, convenient, and actually fun. You order the kit and do the exercises at home. You can demonstrate for yourself that it is working by doing the before and after comparative tests provided with the kit. So, you get immediate positive reinforcement, which is a powerful motivator to keep you, or your child, doing the activities. One of my sons and my wife benefitted enormously from cerebellar stimulation activities, my son with a reading problem, and my wife with a coordination problem (yes, these activities also improve coordination and athleticism!). LBP can–and should–be used as part of a comprehensive treatment program that also includes education, coaching, tutoring, perhaps medication, and perhaps additional complementary treatments.
I am so enthusiastic about the Learning Breakthrough Program that I have leant my name to endorse the product. While we do need more research to prove the efficacy, I have seen enough anecdotally for me to be a big-time fan of this effective, convenient, and affordable treatment.
I think Learning Breakthrough Program is one of the most exciting innovations in the treatment of ADHD and reading problems since the advent of stimulant medication in 1937. And it carries the possibility of going one better than medications, in that it addresses underlying causes. The only drawback to Learning Breakthrough is that not enough people know about it. I hope to help in the effort to change that soon!
Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. – Founder of Hallowell Centers (New York and Boston)
Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, Ph.D., noted expert, researcher and author
“The Learning Breakthrough Program is helpful to enhance clinical therapy for a wide range of sensory preocessing issues. The unique program lends itself to use with a variety of therapeutic approaches. Its ease of use allows your patients to follow thorugh with therapeutic activities at home. I have integrated this program into my practice and encourage fellow OT’s to take advantage of the benefits this program has to offer.”
Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, OTR, Founder of the KID Foundation, studied with Dr. Jane Ayers in 1973.
Clinic owner and Sensory Integration Magazine Publisher
We are very impressed with this incredible opportunity for families to improve progress at home. It is recommended at both of my clinics.
Kathleen Morris, MS, CCC/SLP, Clinic Owner/Publisher of S.I. Focus Magazine
Developmental optometrist expresses interest in LBP being more widely used
I am a developemental optometrist and purchased your program some 14 yrs ago. I used the program with my vision therapist with great effect. Due to an earthquake…I discontinued in office therapy. However we have recently had a very strong marketing push by the Dore group and this upset me greatly because I feel that your work pioneered this type of sensory motor integration therapy and how sad it is that your program is not much more widley used.
Peter Woolf – Optometrist, NSW, Australia
Occupational therapist helps teacher implement LBP in the classroom
We are really enjoying the benefits of LBT! I am working with a teacher who is incorporating it in class with my help; with 2 kiddos she was worried about.
Lynette Menna- Occupational Therapist; Bentonville, AR, USA
Private school using parent support to implement in classroom
We have been using your Learning Breakthrough Program now for some weeks with eight students in two sessions. I do this program with the children every weekday and have a team of mothers who assist me. It is going very well and we are getting plenty of exercise with the super ball toss back activity.
Sr. Janet Cummings – Private School Educator – St. Cecelia’s Primary School; NSW, Australia
Pediatric audiologist recommends LBP for auditory integration deficits
I like to recommend TLB program for kids who have auditory integration deficits. This is a type of auditory processing disorder that results from weak communications between the right and left hemispheres of the brain via a bridge called the corpus callosum. I have noted that these children also frequently have binocular convergence problems, meaning that their eyes do not adduct well. Children that have trouble using both sides of their bodies are also likely to have auditory integration problems and would be helped by TLB. Most important is that parents make sure kids follow the program on a daily basis. Consistency is key.
Leah Light, Au.D. – Pediatric Audiologist; Florida, USA
Important student improvement at homeschool academy
We have been very pleased with the results obtained by using the Learning Breakthrough Program. Overall, we have seen improvements in ability to focus and in self-confidence among all fourteen students who have used the program for the past ten months. We also think that the Learning Breakthrough Program is an important component in our overall academic program because it reduces the students’ tendency to be distracted.
Koinonia Academy is a tutoring service (K through 12) for Catholic home-schooling families. Students typically come to the Academy one or more grade levels behind in reading, spelling, and math. These students have previously been in public schools or parochial schools, or they have been home-schooled. No matter what the type of educational environment the students come from, they all arrive at the Academy with serious deficiencies. Many of the children exhibit classic symptoms of ADD/ADHD and/or dyslexia. The Learning Breakthrough Program is an important tool in our efforts to remediate and then accelerate the learning of these students.
Leroy “Skip” Spiller, PhD.; Director of Koinonia Academy, Bay City, MI, USA
Principal shares, 75% greater reading improvement after four months with 83 elementary school children
After following the Learning Breakthrough Program twice each day from January to May 2004, eighty-three 2nd through 5th graders, all of whom had Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD or non-specific learning disabilities, averaged 75% greater progress in reading than the progress of a control group of non-learning disabled students from the same grades. Typically, learning disabled children progress at only 25% to 50% as much as non-learning disabled pupils.
Here are a few examples of the dramatic progress experienced by some of the students. Of sixteen 3rd grade pupils, who were at risk of failing the state reading test, 9 passed during their first attempt and 3 more passed on the second attempt. One fifth grade child was only able to master 6 spelling words weekly after intensive studying before starting the program. Now this child is mastering 12 words during pre-tests and rarely has to study the words. He appears to have had the words in memory but failed to transfer the information into workable material. One autistic child, who was withdrawn before starting the program, is now known as a chatty, outgoing young boy. He visits up and down the hallways now whereas before he was very much to himself.
Mrs. Jeni Ratliff – Principal of C. L. Milton Elementary School; Laredo, TX, USA
School District's Director of Learning Disabilities describes success in three year educational pilot study
Dr. Frank Belgau’s Learning Breakthrough Program was an integral part of a successful three year education pilot study in Seattle, WA. The results of the program demonstrate its general academic value. * Student IQ scores increased an average of twenty- four points.
- Academic scores increased an average of four grade levels in spelling and reading.
- Behaviors negative to learning were almost totally eliminated.
- All children in the study knew that now they had skills to learn and were eager to do their school tasks.
Dr. Jerald C. Winger – Cognitive Rehabilitation Specialist; Formerly Director of Learning Disabilities, Seatlle School District, Seatlle, WA, USA
Reading Specialist overcomes student's language delay
JC was diagnosed with language delay at age 4. He began the Learning Breakthrough Program using the Belgau Balance Board in the fall of his third grade year, reading at a second grade level. At the end of the 4th grade he was reading at a seventh grade level. He made straight A’s every six weeks, and received a reading award for top AR points in grades 4 & 5. He also tested out of Resource Classes altogether this year!!! He scored a 145 on oral language expression, a difficult feat for a student with a language delay. God bless you for this wonderful program that changes lives.
Rebecca Callaway – Mother and Reading Specialist; Nashville, TN, USA
Reading Clinician describes improvement areas
One of the greatest areas of improvement I have seen with my students has been in the area of visual processing. This improvement produces more retention of sight words, word patterns, math facts, etc. in the brain. My students love to do the Belgau Balance Board.
Anne Benesch – Reading Clinician; Granby, CO, USA
Professor of Education describes private tutorial and consulting using LBP
This program truly is “brain games in space”. It organizes the brain, balances the body and all its parts, builds new neural pathways, focuses, integrates all the sensory input, improves memory and comprehension, and develops spatial abilities. And there are other “fall outs” such as better behaviors in the classroom and more confidence for the individual. This is not hearsay. I have actually witnessed these results.
“NASA says when the body is balanced the brain works better” I had one young lady that came to me with tears in my eyes. I was told I would never go to college but this program helped me go. It is so inexpensive compared to other things. You spend that much on groceries for a week. It is a wonderful tool to help children and adults.”
Ruth Cobb Arnold, Ed.D. – Professor of Education, Emeritus; Stetson University, FL, USA
Educator speaks of improvements in the classroom and at home
“I have worked with the program about 2 years now I have seen confidence in the kids improve. Reading fluency, comprehension and focus improve. My daughter is a senior in high school and she has never been a good test taker, never been able to fluently be able to read any of the tests and get through all the questions. But now she is able to read it, get through it and feel confident about it”
Carla Brandt, Educator (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
Teacher and Veteran LBP user has seen remarkable results
“I have worked with the Learning Breakthrough Program for 20-25 years and have seen remarkable results with the program. I really wish more people were aware of it and used it. I have seen students privately in tutoring and in the classroom situation benefit greatly from using the Learning Breakthrough Program. I would say to parents please do this, it is only 15 minutes in the morning before they go to school and 15 minutes when they get home before they do their home work”
Lynn Yarborough, Educator (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
Occcupational Therapist highly recommends LBP
“The Learning Break Program has helped many of our patients. What is different about it is it takes a holistic approach. It incorporates all the important sensory processes such as visual, motor, tactile and balance. This allows us to use it with a wide variety of patients. The program is structured and easy to use right out of the box as well as simple to modify for client needs. We use the program throughout our office in conjunction with other therapies. The basic foundational skills strengthen by using the program enhances the other therapies we use more effective. The Learning Breakthrough is a wonderful tool not only for learning and attention disabilities but for patients with balance related problems as well. I highly recommend the program. We are glad to use the program in our clinic and happy to be able to recommend it.”
Linda Gozza, Board Certified Pediatric Occupational Therapist (*see complete version on LBP presentation video)
School purchased LBP after parent recommed it
I am very pleased with your product. I bought the board in September 2006 and even recommended the product to my son’s school which they bought.
Diamond Dale Elementary School
Diamond Dale, MI, USA
Clinician at Hallowell Center reports faster and better results
Here at the Hallowell Center I have worked with other exercise programs in my practice and find this to be the simplest most fun and most effective. I test for balance and ocular motor functions with sophisticated equipment and I find we get faster and better results with Learning breakthrough than with other kinds of exercise protocols. The continuous vestibular and the cross hemispheric stimulation of the Belgau board in every exercise as well as the continuous eye tracking of the pendulum ball gets the job done like nothing else we have tried. We wish this program could be in the home of every person with learning difficulties.
Olga Soler, Clinician and Instructor, Hallowell Center, Sudbury, MA