Spatial Awareness

Spatial awareness is the organized perception, tracking and monitoring of the objects in the space around us as well as our body’s position in that same space. Without this awareness we would not be able to pick food up from our plates and put it in our mouth. We would have trouble reading because we could not see the letters in their correct relation to each other and to the page. Athletes would not have the precise awareness of the position of other players on the field and the movement of the ball which is necessary to play effectively. It is another fundamental brain function that informs all higher level cognitive activities.


Sensory Integration

sensory integration

Human beings are generally described as having have five senses, but live in one world. In order to form a complete and accurate picture of the world around us, we need to integrate the information from all of our senses so that we can match the sound of a jet engine with the small silver streak overhead, or small round object we feel with our hands with the white baseball we see with our eyes.


How Educators Can Utilize The Learning Breakthrough Program

Since 1982, hundreds of educators and therapists have brought the Learning Breakthrough Program to students for a wide variety of issues. The foundational brain structures that the program focusses on make this powerful, drug-free approach suitable for a wide array of challenges as well as general “brain fitness” for those without any specific challenges. Schools…


Learning Breakthrough’s Impact on Handwriting

Impact on Hand Writing.  The Learning Breakthrough Program uses balance as a central component in addressing brain processing difficulties. Program activities help develop greater integration between the two hemispheres of the brain and vital connections to many other brain structures necessary to improve the task of writing. The ability to write neatly and quickly is an…


Learning Breakthrough’s Impact on Memory

The Learning Breakthrough Program has a profound impact on neural network development and the brain’s recall efficiency, both of which affect memory and the retrieval of information.

learning breakthrough improves memory

The dictionary defines memory as the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience. Memory functions are among the most basic and critical brain functions that human beings rely on for nearly all of the activities that make life meaningful. It is also the case that the efficiency with which we “remember” things (i.e.-process, retain and recall information) is crucial to improving cognitive ability.


The Gifted and Talented Children Learning Gap

Gifted or talented children present their parents and educators with a number of important challenges. Learning Breakthrough ProgramTM activities form a foundation on which these students can build their academic careers and make the most out of their unique potential… and the same is true for “average” students as well! Most psychologists and guidance professionals…


Dr. Edward Hallowell on Neuroplasticity, Sensory Processing, Alternative Learning Programs and Vision Therapy

Learning Breakthrough is one of the alternative therapy programs that I use and recommend to clients in my Hallowell Centers and also to my readers across the world. Clients continue to ask about the program, and the ones who have stayed in the program for an extended period of time have reported positive results. I…


What are Targeted Exercises for Brain Fitness?

Recent scientific studies have clearly shown that aerobic exercise is good for your brain health. Healthier brains help people with learning and attention difficulties, such as Dyslexia and ADHD. Did you know that since the early 1980’s, developmental specialists have used specific, targeted exercises, developed by Dr. Frank Belgau, to dramatically help these children and…
